A safe space intended for male identified individuals of color who also identify as a gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, trans/masculine of center, and/or a man who has sex with men. The group covers topics such as: healthy vs unhealthy relationships, defying shame, current events, sexual...
Discussion on how language evolves to communicate experiences and how proper use of an individual's pronouns shows respect for diversity and promotes inclusion.
A peer-led social and support group that provides a welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for LGBT individuals over the age of 50. This event is virtual.
A safe space intended for male identified individuals of color who also identify as a gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, trans/masculine of center, and/or a man who has sex with men. The group covers topics such as: healthy vs unhealthy relationships, defying shame, current events, sexual...
Looking for the perfect outfit for the winter season? Stop by the Butterfly Boutique, where the array of donated clothing is gender-affirming and FREE! Do your part in ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic by getting tested and knowing your current status. Free and confidential HIV/STD testing...
The Tea about Dating the T. Virtual live with conversations of trans individuals’ experiences of dating post-COVID-19 and the possible differences that come when dating differing gender identities and expressions than our own. This event will be virtual.
4:30PM (In Person) Call to Action 5PM with caravan procession to follow directly after Join us on November 20th for the annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) This is a solemn occasion to highlight violence and discrimination faced by the Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming,...
A safe space intended for male identified individuals of color who also identify as a gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, trans/masculine of center, and/or a man who has sex with men. The group covers topics such as: healthy vs unhealthy relationships, defying shame, current events, sexual...